Apple Computer, Inc. is Fortune 150, and runs on Mac OS!
Hacke made it! This STAR wasn't cracked!

STAR Mac OS WWW Server Sites

2 June 97: EvangeList: Alive and Kicking Butt!
Connected via high speed lines to the Internet

using WebSTAR 2.0 Macintosh Mac OS web servers.

In Brisbane California

If we did a survey of the most influential people, services, organizations, and grass-roots phenomena who are responsible for the continued progress of the Mac OS, and of Mac OS customers everywhere, Guy Kawasaki, his EvangeList email list server, his books, and his investments would have to be at or near the top in all categories.

The EvangeList web site has all of the details for joining the throng on his main EvangeList email mailing list (currently about 43,000 strong, plus pass-alongs and word of mouth). He also sponsors and participates in several other Internet services, so go now to the EvangeList web site, served on Mac OS of course, and kick some butt!

Brad has kept independent lists of Mac OS WWW servers since October 1994.

Directory © 1994-1997 Brad Schrick